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What are the ENGLISH LANGUAGE requirements, like TOEFL or IELTS?2020-01-17T15:43:19+02:00

The master is 100% in English. The minimum level requested is B1, but if you are not able to certify it, a short meeting with the MMS Coordinator will be done to check if the student’s level is adequate for performing the master.


How much is the TUITION FEE?2024-04-05T14:26:35+02:00

The MMS Master is an Official European Master. This means that the MMS Master is recognized around Europe and that it is subsidized by the Spanish Government. Accordingly, the tuition fee is defined by the Government for each academic course. The updated prices for each academic course can be looked up at this link.

The costs are described below (the prices are indicative as they may be subject to updating for each course set by the government.):

  • Pre-enrolment tax: 30.21 €
  • Issue of an automatic letter of invitation (once the Pre-enrolment is Accepted): 27 €
  • Registration (the master has 60 ECTS)
    • Cost by credit (ECTS: European Credit):
      • 27.67 €/ECTS (European students)
      • 65.87 €/ECTS (non-European students)
    • Management:
      • Management of the degree: 69.80 €
      • Scholar insurance: 1.12 € or 6.65 € (6.65 € for students older than 28 years old)
  • Academic services: 70.00 €
  • Diploma Management: 218.15 €

No additional cost will appear. These prices can change slightly for each academic course.

The registration can be paid in instalments, split in 10-month maximum, without any additional tax.

How do I apply for a SCHOLARSHIP?2020-01-17T15:49:25+02:00

Follow the “FUNDING: SCHOLARSHIPS” menu in the “How to apply” webpage.

Can I REGISTER for MORE than one MODULE?2020-01-17T15:44:11+02:00

You are not required to specify the module you are interested in, since no additional diploma related to the selected optional subjects will be delivered. The modules are defined only for helping the student to select the optional subjects. That is, the student is free of selecting any of the optional subjects programmed.

At least, four optional subjects must be selected. If the student desires to perform more than four subjects, it is possible. A maximum of 6 optional subjects is recommended due to the associated workload.

Once your Pre-registration is Accepted, you will have to indicate the Optional Subjects that you want to follow to the MMS Coordinator before to start the Registration. It would be adequate to discuss the optional subjects with the MMS Coordinator for helping you with this decision.

What is the CALENDAR and the TIMETABLE of the teaching activities planned for the current academic course?2025-01-22T16:49:10+02:00

This link provides the MMS calendar and timetable (course 2024-25). In this document, you can also see which week the seminars of the MMS invited professors are expected.



Where are LOCATED the different CLASSROOMS?2020-01-17T15:53:21+02:00

All classrooms are located in Campus Montilivi, at buildings: “P-1”, “P-2”, “P-3”, “AM”, and “AC”. The selected classrooms for each subject appear in the timetable of the current academic course (see the associated FAQ).

You can check the locations of the different classrooms and the office of the MMS Coordinator (D104. P-2) in this link.

When will the SEMINARS of the INVITED PROFESSORS be?2020-02-26T19:52:51+02:00

The booked week for the seminars of the invited professors is published in the MMS CALENDAR.

The timetable, classrooms and the speakers can be checked below:

What is the MAXIMUM NUMBER of new STUDENTS by year in MMS?2020-01-17T16:01:24+02:00

The maximum number of new students by year is 25. The acceptance of the students is communicated at the corresponding administrative periods defined by the UdG (often, there are three periods for pre-registration and three associated periods for acceptance decisions; for more information about these periods, contact with the MMS Coordinator).

In MMS master, the decision of acceptance is basically based on the previous university studies, average equivalent grade in the Spanish system, and the CV.

How is the procedure to connect to the “VIRTUAL CLASSROOM” for accessing the software used in MMS master?2020-01-17T15:36:52+02:00

MMS students and teachers can access the updated software used in MMS master through the “Virtual Classroom” at any time and place. Other software used in the Polytechnic School is also available on this platform. Due to licence limitations, the virtual sessions for each software are limited to a certain period of time by day and student.

Links of interest:

  • Guideline: it explains the steps to follow for allowing the connection of your computer with the “Virtual Classroom”.
  • Platform: it is the application that opens the “Virtual Classroom”.
How are the AGREEMENTS between UdG and a COMPANY for performing an internship?2020-01-17T15:37:22+02:00

The internships are not mandatory in MMS master studies. Accordingly, the student is not registered in any related subject and thus there is not a recognition of ECTS (European Credits). However, at each academic course, there are some companies interested in MMS students for performing an internship related to the Master’s Final Project. The contractual options that normally appear are basically two:

  • To sign an “Agreement University of Girona – Company”
    • Managed by “Oficina Universitat Empresa” (UdG)
    • Limited to 750 hours, to be performed during the period at which the MMS student is registered in the UdG
    • Payments of the companies: administrative tax + social security + remuneration
    • This is an interesting option for non-European students since it avoids requesting a work permit to the Spanish Government
  • To sign a “job contract”. In some cases, the company prefers to sign a job contract with the candidate instead of doing an Agreement with the University. However, this kind of situation is not the most conventional.


Can I enjoy the SPORTS SERVICE and other students service facilities?2020-01-17T15:41:00+02:00

Indeed, if you enroll in the MMS Master you will be a student of the University of Girona with all the rights. Accordingly, you will have access to the University facilities, such as the Library, Sports Service, Renting of bikes, in the conditions established for the university students.

During your registration of the MMS master, there is the option of choosing the registration to the Sports Service. It has a low cost which can be lookup in this link.

How to reach GIRONA from BARCELONA Airport?2020-01-17T15:51:38+02:00

You can follow the indications given in this link.

As you can see, it is quite easy and well connected with Barcelona. The easiest way is to take a High-Speed Train, called AVE or AVANT, which has a large number of travels by day between two cities. It only takes 38 minutes to reach Girona.

I need help with finding a PLACE TO LIVE in Girona. What should I do?2020-01-17T15:52:02+02:00

You can contact the MMS Coordinator. He will assist you to find a solution.

Nowadays, to find accommodation in Girona is quite difficult since the rental market is quite small. The university has some services, but often they are booked two months before to start the MMS classes. Accordingly, as sooner as you try to solve this issue better.

Here you can find a recommended list of options for accommodation.

Can I work while I am studying?2020-01-17T14:17:50+02:00

The Master can be done in one year (full dedication) or in two years (part-time).

If the student prefers to do the master’s degree in two years, it is mandatory to do the first registration of 30 ECTS (European Credits; the MMS master has a total of 60 ECTS). The selection of the subjects to be performed for each academic course will be done jointly with the Master’s Coordinator, to ensure a good follow-up of the subjects given in each course.

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