The internships are not mandatory in MMS master studies. Accordingly, the student is not registered in any related subject and thus there is not a recognition of ECTS (European Credits). However, at each academic course, there are some companies interested in MMS students for performing an internship related to the Master’s Final Project. The contractual options that normally appear are basically two:
- To sign an “Agreement University of Girona – Company”
- Managed by “Oficina Universitat Empresa” (UdG)
- Limited to 750 hours, to be performed during the period at which the MMS student is registered in the UdG
- Payments of the companies: administrative tax + social security + remuneration
- This is an interesting option for non-European students since it avoids requesting a work permit to the Spanish Government
- To sign a “job contract”. In some cases, the company prefers to sign a job contract with the candidate instead of doing an Agreement with the University. However, this kind of situation is not the most conventional.