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Related to CURRENT MMS COURSE (Students and Teachers)

What is the CALENDAR and the TIMETABLE of the teaching activities planned for the current academic course?

This link provides the MMS calendar and timetable (course 2024-25). In this document, you can also see which week the seminars of the MMS invited professors are expected.    

By |2025-01-22T16:49:10+02:00January 17th, 2020||Comments Off on What is the CALENDAR and the TIMETABLE of the teaching activities planned for the current academic course?

Where are LOCATED the different CLASSROOMS?

All classrooms are located in Campus Montilivi, at buildings: "P-1", "P-2", "P-3", "AM", and "AC". The selected classrooms for each subject appear in the timetable of the current academic course (see the associated FAQ). You can check the locations of the different classrooms and the office of the MMS Coordinator (D104. P-2) in this link.

By |2020-01-17T15:53:21+02:00January 17th, 2020||Comments Off on Where are LOCATED the different CLASSROOMS?

How is the procedure to connect to the “VIRTUAL CLASSROOM” for accessing the software used in MMS master?

MMS students and teachers can access the updated software used in MMS master through the "Virtual Classroom" at any time and place. Other software used in the Polytechnic School is also available on this platform. Due to licence limitations, the virtual sessions for each software are limited to a certain period of time by day [...]

By |2020-01-17T15:36:52+02:00January 17th, 2020||Comments Off on How is the procedure to connect to the “VIRTUAL CLASSROOM” for accessing the software used in MMS master?

How are the AGREEMENTS between UdG and a COMPANY for performing an internship?

The internships are not mandatory in MMS master studies. Accordingly, the student is not registered in any related subject and thus there is not a recognition of ECTS (European Credits). However, at each academic course, there are some companies interested in MMS students for performing an internship related to the Master's Final Project. The contractual [...]

By |2020-01-17T15:37:22+02:00January 17th, 2020||Comments Off on How are the AGREEMENTS between UdG and a COMPANY for performing an internship?
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