To be admitted on a master’s degree, you must have a university diploma that allows you to access postgraduate studies in the country in which it was awarded. The MMS Master students come from technical studies, such as Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering, and Physics Bachelor of Science. Typical degrees: Mechanical, Aeronautics, Civil, Architecture, etc.
The application involves the following steps:
1. Pre-enrolment
The pre-enrolment is the first mandatory step to apply for the MMS master.
It must be performed on-line, through the website of UdG’s Masters (see Section: “Pre-enrollment”). On this website, the student has to select the desired master to apply and load the different requested documents (some of them, must be legalized).
In cases where it is requested the “Grades equivalence document for university studies completed in foreign centres”, is carried out by the student using the webpage of the Spanish Ministry, and to do so, it is important to know first which grade type was applied in your origin university. They can be identified in the list summarized in this document, sorted by countries, and in more detail, in the Tables linked herein. Once all the steps of the webpage are done, the pdf file generated must be signed by the student and loaded in the pre-enrolment online application.
For the pre-enrolment, these documents must be loaded only as a pdf file type. In the case of being accepted, the original documents must be shown once you are in Girona.
For each new academic course, the pre-enrolment application is open starting around January-February until the first month of teaching classes (October).
The pre-enrolment has an administrative tax. It is important to pay it, so the administrative staff will start reviewing the documentation of your pre-enrolment. Otherwise, your pre-enrolment will be on hold.
A successful pre-enrolment allows the following:
- To be accepted in the master MMS.
- Reservation of a place for the next new course (the master MMS is limited to 25 students by year). The deadline for the pre-enrolment is around mid-September. However, if you are not a European citizen, after the pre-enrolment you will need a student Visa, and it takes some administrative time (depending on the Embassy, it may need 2 months of management).
- If needed, you will obtain an invitation letter to request the student Visa.
2. Admission
Each pre-registered student will receive an email notification with a link to view his Admission Decision. The resolutions of each pre-enrolment period are performed at the corresponding administrative deadlines defined by the Universitat de Girona (UdG).
3. Selection of subjects
Once you are Accepted in master MMS, the next step is to schedule a meeting with the Coordinator of the master MMS to define which subjects would be done (including Mandatory and Optional subjects).
The English level requested in MMS is B1. If you do not have an official certificate, an English meeting with the coordinator will be requested to assess a suitable level for performing the master MMS.
4. Registration
Next, accepted students will have to register for the corresponding pre-selected subjects. This step is fully done on-line, using the username and the password notified by the UdG.
The enrolment period starts around July and finishes at the end of October.
Failing to register within the prescribed administrative periods results in the loss of the right to enrol in the master.
5. Original documents and student card
Those students who did their university degree outside the Universitat de Girona (UdG), must show the original documents loaded in the pre-enrolment to the Academic Secretariat once they arrive at Girona. In addition, they can ask for a student card from the Universitat de Girona.
Documents issued in other countries must be legalized if they are to be recognized and have the same validity as in other countries.
In the case of academic documents (personal academic certificates, degrees, etc.), legalization confirms the existence of the awarding institution and the academic courses and programs on the certificate.
Depending on the agreements that your country has with Spain, you will have to follow one procedure or another to get your documents legalized.
Please initiate the legalization of your academic documents as soon as you have decided to study abroad. The process is likely to take some weeks/months depending on each country of origin.
For more detailed information on the legalization of the academic documents, please visit the UdG’s website of the pre-enrolment (some clarifications can be found in this pdf).
The costs of the master are official, defined by the Government of Catalonia and updated regularly on the UdG website.
The costs account the following points:
- Pre-enrolment tax.
- Registration (the master has 60 ECTS – European Credit). The cost by credit is different for European and non-European students, and also for students that already another Master diploma.
- Management of the academic transcript.
- Academic and administrative services.
- Scholar insurance or accident insurance.
- Diploma management.
No additional cost will appear. The registration can be paid in instalments, split in 10-month maximum, without any additional tax.
There are some funding opportunities to cover the costs of the tuition fees and living expenses of students of the MMS master:
- Several countries offer scholarships to study abroad, so interested students should check their regional or country agencies.
- At the University of Girona, there are the following options:
- “Banco Santander – UdG”: many scholarships to partially cover the tuition fee of the MMS master (administrative taxes are not included). There are two modalities, for national (Spanish) and international students.
- “Fundación Carolina – UdG”: two scholarships that fully cover the tuition fee, travel and living expenses. Limited to students from a Latin American country member of the Ibero-American Community of Nations or from Portugal.
- “Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera”: an exceptional scholarship for an excellent student with Spanish nationality (5 k€ of award).
In any case, interested students should perform the pre-enrolment to the MMS master in the UdG’s Masters website. The dates of the new calls of these scholarships change for each course, so contact with the MMS master coordinator to keep you informed.
On the other hand, the research group AMADE of the University of Girona, also provides funding opportunities to excellent national and international students who are motivated for research and to pursue a PhD after the MMS master. By excellent students, we refer to those whose average grade in Bachelor studies is 8.5 or superior according to the Spanish Calculation System.